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Utilities Department

Utility Department Contact Information

2340 American Drive
Neenah, WI 54956

Monday — Thursday 6:30AM — 3:30PM
Friday 6:30AM — 10:30AM

The village utilities consist of three separate departments: Storm water, Water and Wastewater.

Electric and Gas Utilities are provided and serviced by WE Energies – 800-242-9137

Approximately 20% of our east side residents get their electricity provided and serviced by Menasha Utilities – 920-967-3400

Sewer Emergency Number – 920-419-3870

Water Emergency Number – 920-419-3865

Storm Water
Is rain water that runs off of our streets, parking lots, construction sites, and lawns into ditches, gutters, streams and storm sewers. The storm water department manages this runoff through detention ponds and by educating our residents and businesses in storm water management techniques.

The Water Department
Is responsible for the treatment and distribution of our drinking water, as well as, the maintenance of water mains, water services, fire hydrants, reservoirs and water towers.

The Wastewater Department
Is responsible for the collection of the Village’s sewage and the maintenance of the sewer mains.  The sewage is treated at the Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Plant (east side) and Fox West Regional Sewerage Treatment Plant (west side).

Regularly scheduled commission meetings are held at the Village’s Municipal Complex on the second and fourth Monday of each month. Please confirm meeting dates and times by checking the meeting Calendar.

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