Stormwater Utility
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On July 13, 2009 the Village of Fox Crossing Board of Supervisors adopted the addition of Municipal Code Chapter 35 – Municipal Stormwater Utility. Additional business conducted that night was the creation of a Stormwater Utility Billing Policy, Stormwater Utility Credit Policy, and approval of the 2010 Stormwater Utility Rate. The Stormwater Utility became effective on August 3, 2009 and held its first meeting on August 10, 2009.
The reasons for the creation of the Stormwater Utility was the need for management of stormwater, the need to create a revenue source to meet the Department of Natural Resources mandates for stormwater particulate reduction.
Chapter 35 established that the Village Board would serve as the governing body and the Community Development Director would serve as the Administering Authority, and a separate enterprise fund was established for all Stormwater Utility finances
Stormwater Information
Street Sweeping
Many of our storm sewers lead directly to our lakes, while some lead to detention ponds that then lead to lakes and streams. Street cleaning removes dirt and debris from town streets, protects water quality, minimizes the burden on the storm sewer system from surface debris, and prevents physical damage to pavements.
Washing your vehicle or rinsing the deck of your lawn mower in your driveway puts unwanted material in our streets. Grass clippings blown into the road, dog droppings, trash, paper, anti-freeze, gas & motor oil are all unwanted materials flushed into the street and down the storm sewer when it rains. Blowing snow into the street also adds to the problem because it causes our snow plow crew to use more anti-icing agents to keep the roads safe for travel.
The town’s two (2) street sweepers start to clean winter debris from the streets as soon as weather permits in the spring. Road dirt, sand and debris are at their heaviest due to the winter season. Every street in the Town of Menasha is swept in the spring, with priority placed on arterial and collector streets with curb & gutter, then all other streets. During the summer months curb & gutter streets are swept twice per month, and other streets swept as needed.
Town of Menasha Street personnel removes over 150 tons of street sweepings from our streets each year. Please help us reduce this amount and help keep our waterways clean.