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The Village Clerk is the custodian of all official Village records, contracts, agreements, ordinances, and resolutions and maintains custody of the Village seal. The Clerk attends all Village Board meetings, attests and signs all official documents, and maintains record of all Village Board meeting agendas and minutes. The Clerk also accepts open records requests on behalf of the Village. The Clerk is responsible for administering oaths of office and maintaining the municipal code of ordinances.

The Village Clerk administers and supervises elections and maintains voter information, assists with voter registration and absentee applications, accepts candidacy paperwork, recruits and trains election inspectors, purchases and maintains election equipment, and prepares all election notices, forms, materials, etc.

The Village Clerk is responsible for issuing licenses including bartender/operator licenses, liquor and beer, cigarette/tobacco, beer gardens, mechanical amusement devices, special events, transient and permanent merchants, fireworks, Christmas tree dealers, hotel/motel licenses, mobile home parks, secondhand dealer licenses, and mobile food vendor licenses among many others.

The Village Clerk serves as the Recording Secretary/Clerk for the Board of Review. The Clerk is the official custodian of all Board of Review documents and forms including the assessment roll, written objections, meeting notices, and other materials submitted to the Board of Review.

Darla Fink

Village Clerk

Chantel Jaenke

Village Deputy Clerk

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Contact Information

2000 Municipal Drive
Neenah, WI 54956

Monday — Friday 8:00AM — 4:30PM