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Planning Commission

Application Deadlines

The Village of Fox Crossing Planning Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month at 5:15p.m. in the Assembly Room at the Municipal Complex.  Any application materials and plans should be submitted to the Community Development Department at least two weeks before the Planning Commission meeting at which the applicant would like to appear.

The Commission wrote a Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Fox Crossing, which the Village Board adopted in August of 2003.  The Comprehensive Plan includes elements on housing, transportation, utilities and community facilities, natural and cultural resources, economic development, intergovernmental cooperation, land use, and plan implementation.

The Commission reviews applications for sign permits and new developments within the B-5 zoning district.  They also review applications for variances, land divisions, rezonings and conditional use permits.

Additional information regarding Planning Commission meetings can be found by searching the online calendar. Application materials can be found by selecting “Planning Applications” from the “Planning and Zoning” link on the Community Development main page.