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License and Permit Applications

Individual License Application

Individual License ApplicationLicense PeriodLicense Fee
Bartender (Operator) License, New Applicants
Granted to individuals who sell or serve alcohol beverages in licensed establishments (includes bars/taverns and gas stations/convenience stores).
24 months. Expiring
(July 1st – June 30th)
Expires in even years
Or pro-rated
Bartender (Operator) License, Provisional
Issued to applicants applying for a regular Operator License for the purpose of serving alcohol beverages during the period of time their application for a regular license is being processed/approved.  You must apply for a regular Operator’s License when applying for a Provisional (60-day license).
Expires in 60 days or whenever regular license is granted or denied.$15
Bartender (Operator) License, Temporary
Issued to those operators employed by or donating their services for the serving of fermented malt beverages and/or wine (example: softball tournaments, fundraisers, etc.). A person is limited to two temporary licenses in a year.
Not more than 14 consecutive days.$10
Permanent Merchant (Seller) Permit
Individuals representing a permanent merchant located in the Fox Valley who are conducting direct sales must apply for a permit and pay a fee. This fee includes the required background check which is performed by the Police Department. All applicants must supply a Seller’s Permit and Surety Bond or proof of liability insurance when applying.
60 days from date of application$42
Includes conducting background check
Transient Merchant (Seller) Permit
Individuals representing a merchant located outside the Fox Valley who are conducting direct sales on public right-of-way or private residences must apply for a permit and pay a fee.  This fee includes the required background check which is performed by the Police Department. All applicants must supply a Seller’s Permit and Surety Bond or proof of liability insurance when applying.
60 days after approval by village board$150
Includes conducting background check

Business License Applications

Business License ApplicationsLicense PeriodLicense Fee
Agent Appointment of, Successor
Any corporation, organization, or limited liability company applying for a license to sell fermented malt beverages and/or intoxicating liquor must appoint an agent to act for the company with full authority and have control of the premises and of all business relative to alcohol beverages conducted on the premises therein.
During 12 month term of license, unless successor is appointed within the same term$10
(Fee only applies when updating Agent mid-license term)
Amusements License, Mechanical
Granted to persons who lease or own one or more amusement machines for use or operation in the Village. This includes any machine or device for use as a game, contest, amusement or to supply music (pool tables, video games, jukebox, dartboard, karaoke, etc.). Note:  Some machines such as video poker and coin pushers are deemed illegal-check with Police Department.

12 months
(July 1st – June 30th)

$150 (12 month term)

$75 (6 month term)

Beer Garden Permit
Required for outdoor consumption of alcohol beverages on any part of the licensed premises not enclosed within the building. Proper fencing is required. Hours of operation are limited to how the area is zoned, whether commercial or residential.

12 months
(July 1st – June 30th)
Bowling Alley License
Any bowling alley must be licensed.

12 months
(July 1st – June 30th)
Christmas Tree Dealer Permit
License is required for the sale of Christmas trees, wreaths, and the like. A permit may be issued provided zoning requirements are met and a site plan is approved by the Community Development Department prior to setup. Permit may be issued after November 1st and lot must be cleared by December 31stApplication must be on file in the Clerk’s Office 30 days prior to date of sale.
60 Days
(Nov. 1st – Dec. 31st)

Cigarette and Tobacco License
License required for those selling, bartering or giving away cigarette or tobacco products.
For licensing information, click on Wisconsin Alcohol Beverage and Tobacco Laws for Retailers

Appointment of Agent
Individual Questionaire

12 months
(July 1st – June 30th)
Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer’s License
Authorizes the retail sale of fermented malt beverages for consumption away from the licensed premises. No sales allowed between the hours of 12:00 a.m. midnight and 8:00 a.m.  Alcohol Beverage License Applications MUST BE FILED with the Clerk at least 15 days before granting by the Village Board, and are subject to publication requirements.

12 months
(July 1st – June 30th)
$300 or pro-rated + $55 Publication fee
“Class A” Intoxicating Liquor 
Authorizes the retail sale of intoxicating liquors for consumption away from the licensed premises. No sales allowed between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.  Alcohol Beverage License Applications MUST BE FILED with the Clerk at least 15 days before granting by the Village Board, and are subject to publication requirements.

12 months
(July 1st – June 30th)
$400 or pro-rated + $55 Publication fee
Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer’s License
For consumption of fermented malt beverages on the licensed premises, or carry-out. On-premise (no sales permitted Mon.-Fri 2 am to 6 am and Sat.-Sun. 2:30 am to 6 am.) Off-premises, or carry-out. (no sales permitted midnight to 6 am.) Annual or six-month license; only one six-month license may be issued during a calendar year. (Class “B” license may be applied for in conjunction with a “Class C” Wine License (Restaurants.)) Alcohol Beverage License Applications MUST BE FILED with the Clerk at least 15 days before granting by the Village Board, and are subject to publication requirements.

12 months or pro-rated by month$100 + $55 Publication fee
Class “B” Beer and/or “Class B” Wine, Temporary (Picnic) Licenses
Issued to bona fide clubs, fair associations or agricultural societies, churches, lodges, or societies in existence for at least 6 months, veterans organizations, chambers of commerce, or similar organizations. Issued for picnics or similar temporary gatherings to sell wine and/or fermented malt beverages. Apply for each separate, temporary event lasting less than 4 days.  MUST BE FILED with the Clerk at least 15 days before granting by the Village Board, and are subject to publication requirements.  (Remember to get licensed temporary operators to serve beverages for each event).
Per event
“Class B” Reserve Liquor License
New applicants may apply for a Reserve “Class B” Liquor License for consumption of liquor both on the licensed premises or away from the licensed premises. These liquor licenses are available under a quota system that were granted and not issued by the municipality. The $10,000 license fee is paid one time only with the initial application, along with the regular annual liquor license fees.  Alcohol Beverage License Applications MUST BE FILED with the Clerk at least 15 days before granting by the Village Board, and are subject to publication requirements.
From date of application through the term ending June 30$10,000 + regular fee(s) of $500 + $55 Publication fee
“Class C” Wine License (Restaurants)
Allows licensee to sell, offer for sale, barter or give away wine by the glass or in an opened original container for consumption on the licensed premises. May only be granted to restaurants in which the sale of alcoholic beverages is less than 50% of the gross receipts. May apply in conjunction with the Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage License. Alcohol Beverage License Applications MUST BE FILED with the Clerk at least 15 days before granting by the Village Board, and are subject to publication requirements.

12 months
(July1st-June 30th)
$100 + $55 Publication fee
Dance Permit, Public
No person or business shall hold a public dance, with or without admission, in the Village without a permit. Health and fire regulations including proper ventilation and public facilities must be provided. Stairways connected to the room/hall must be kept open and well-lit. Police presence may be utilized in the case of indecent acts and disorder.  Applications MUST BE FILED with the Clerk at least 10 business days before date of dance.

24 hour Period$50
Dog / Cat Licenses
Any person or entity owning, keeping, harboring or having custody of any dog or cat over the age of 5 months must obtain a license in the Village. Every owner of a dog/cat more than 5 months of age on January 1 of any year, or 5 months of age within the license year shall annually, or within 30 days from the date the dog/cat becomes 5 months of age, must pay a fee and get their pet(s) licensed. See Finance Department to license your dog/cat – you MUST bring in current rabies paperwork, along with proof of spay or neuter when registering.

Apply before Mar. 31 or a $5 late fee is added

$7 Spayed or Neutered

$12 Not spayed or neutered

Escort and Escort Services
No escort service shall operate or provide service in the Village of Fox Crossing without first obtaining an escort service license.  All operators or employees must register with the Police Department.
12 months
(Jan. 1st – Dec. 31st)
$500 + $25 per registrant
Fireworks Display Permit, Professional
Fireworks are not allowed in the Village. Professional fireworks displays are allowed and shall only be granted a permit for supervised displays by fair associations, amusement parks, and other organizations or groups of individuals upon approval by the Chief of the Fire Department and Chief of Police. Permit must be applied for at least 15 days in advance of the display to be approved by the Village Board.
Per display

$25 Plus Bond and Certificate of Liability Insurance

$45 per fire apparatus plus firefighter hourly pay rate

Hotel or Motel License
Any building or group of buildings including inns, motels, hotels, tourist homes, lodging and rooming houses, summer camps, cabins or other temporary, public accommodations shall not operate in the Village without first obtaining a permit. Owners and operators shall be accountable for providing a safe, healthy environment for their guests and employees, mitigate inappropriate activity, and voluntarily cooperate with the Village Police Department to ensure crime and other activities are addressed. Maximum stay, services, consent to inspections, and other provisions must be complied with. Application is made with the Village Clerk. Applications are reviewed by the Community Development, Fire, and Police Departments before going to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Applications are reviewed by the Community Development, Fire and Police Departments before going to the Planning Commission Meeting for recommendation.

12 months
(July 1st- June 30th)
$500 (Room Tax 10% Quarterly)
Liquor Licenses
See “C” above for Class “A”, “Class A”, Class “B”, “Class B”, and “Class C” licenses, Temporary Licenses, Operator Licenses, etc.

Massage or Reflexology License
No person shall engage in the business of massage or reflexology in the Village without a permit. Applicant must hold a current, valid license issued by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and provide documentation of such. An application shall contain contact information, the person in charge of where therapist will practice, and other pertinent information. A background check will be performed and a conditional use permit must be obtained if the therapist performs treatments in his/her home.
12 months
July 1st-June 30)
Mobile Food Vendor License
Any person desiring to operate a mobile food establishment within the Village shall be required to complete an application packet to include: a completed application, payment of fee, copy of driver’s license and vehicle registration, address of service base, Seller’s permit, food permit issued by Winnebago County Health Department, certificate of insurance, and written authorization (if required).
12 months
6 months
Single Day
$150 (12 months)
$75 (6 month)
$25 (Single Day)
Mobile Home Park License
It is unlawful for any person to establish, operate, or maintain or permit to operate property owned, leased or controlled by said person a mobile home park within the limits of the Village of Fox Crossing. A copy of park plan, Security Bond, evidence from the State of Wisconsin to operate a mobile home park, along with a completed application and fee are required. Before issuance of a license, the holder of the mobile home park must be in compliance of all regulations of the village ordinances in all respects.

12 months
Aug. 1st-July 31st)
$100 Per every 50 spaces or fraction thereof
Pawnbroker License
Individuals or firms involved in buying, selling or barter of used goods shall be licensed. Some exceptions apply which waive the licensing requirement.
12 months
(Jan. 1st-Dec. 31st)
Salvage Yard Operator License
No person shall keep or maintain any building or yard for the keeping or storing in commercial quantities or for dealing in any old, used or secondhand materials of any kind including rags, paper, rubbish, bottles, rubber, iron or other metals or junked motor vehicles or parts without first obtaining a license. Such business shall not become hazardous, a public nuisance, or fire hazard and the types of materials to be collected and stored must be suitable in regard to the health, welfare, and safety of the public.

12 months / 6 months$100 / $50

Secondhand Article Dealer

Secondhand Jewelry Dealer License

Pawnbrokers, secondhand jewelry dealers and secondhand article dealers are required to obtain a license from the Village which shall be reviewed by the Chief of the Fire Department, Police Chief and Village Board prior to approval. 

12 Month
(Jan. 1st-Dec. 31)
$27.50 (Article Dealer)
$30 (Jewelry Dealer)
Secondhand Dealer Mall and Flea Market License
Any person or firm involved in selling used goods at malls or flea markets shall be licensed.

24 months, starting May 1 of odd-numbered years$165
Snowmobile Renter Business License
Any person or business renting or leasing snowmobiles to the public or renting/leasing use of a snowmobile track or other private property to the public for the operation of snowmobiles thereon in the Village must be licensed.  Application shall include licensee name, proposed period of hours of operation, state registration number of owner, and registration numbers of any snowmobiles to be leased, proof of liability insurance, along with payment of the fee.
12 Month
(Sept. 1st-Aug. 31)
Special Event License
Any planned occurrence which changes the approved use of any facility, whether inside or outside on public right-of-way, including parades, gatherings, festivals and athletic events attended by the public which impact Village services, must be licensed. Apply at least 30 days prior to the event and include proposed site plan. If this deadline is not met, it does not allow enough time to notify the affected departments and you may be unable to proceed with your event. Note: Private events not open to the public such as parties, social gatherings, showers, and weddings do not need a Special Event License.  If the event will include a large tent, see Tent Permit Application below.
 $150 Plus $150 in escrow, returned 30 days after the event
Supplemental Questionnaire for Original/Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Application
All individuals, partners, officers, directors and the agent of corporations; OR members/managers and agent of limited liability companies making application for a liquor license must complete this form each licensing term.  Any Successor Agent, and all those applying for renewal must also complete this Supplemental Form.
Complete each license term$0
Temporary Tent Permit Application
A Tent Permit Application covers all tents, canopies, and air-supported, air-inflated or tension membrane structure erected in the Village and can be obtained from the Village Clerk.  The person, company, or corporation who erects a tent in excess of 200 square feet shall contact the Fire Department for an inspection prior to occupancy of the tent. Submit AT LEAST 10 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO ERECTION OF TENTS.  A permit may be revoked for any code violation, false statements, or misrepresentation.           
 Fee: $25.00
Re-inspection Fee: $25.00