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The Village of Fox Crossing is located in Winnebago County. Visit the Wisconsin State Legislature website to see who your State Representatives are:

  • Congressional District 6 (Wards 1-9)
  • State Assembly District 55 (West Side, Wards 1–9)
  • State Assembly District 53 (East Side, Wards 10–16)

For immediate results on election night, visit the Winnebago County Election Information website.

CENTRAL COUNT Disclaimer:  Please be advised that because the Village of Fox Crossing uses a central count location for processing our absentee ballots separately from the ballots cast at the polling places, results posted on the county’s website may be incomplete until a final, unofficial results report is posted at the end of the night.

  • February 18, 2025 – Spring Primary
  • April 1, 2025 – Spring Election

Electors must be registered on or before Election Day to vote. Go to My Vote Wisconsin to get registered or check your registration. You may also contact the Village Clerk’s office.

Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for every election. If you have previously registered to vote, your name is automatically entered into the Badger Book that will be used by the poll workers on Election Day. If you have not yet registered, you may do so at the polls. If you have moved since the last time you voted, you will need to re-register with the correct information.

Please bring the appropriate paperwork to verify your current address. When you arrive at your polling place, give your name and address to the election official seated at the check-in table. He/she will find your name in the Badger Book.

In 2017, Wisconsin Elections Commission staff developed an electronic poll book system to be used in polling places in Wisconsin on Election Day. The “Badger Book” is electronic poll book software that is specific to Wisconsin elections practices and statutes. The Badger Book is the only electronic poll book software created with direct Wisconsin Voter Registration (WisVote) data integration. Badger Books do not use an internet connection.

The Badger Book is primarily used to check-in preregistered voters, process absentee ballots, and register voters on Election Day. The Badger Book maintains the voter number and count independent of poll worker input. Each process was chosen and designed based on feedback provided by clerks and poll workers from across the state. After Election Day, a data file generated from the Badger Book is used to upload election participation and Election Day Registration information into WisVote.

The Village of Fox Crossing uses optical scan voting machines, called the ImageCast Evolution, to scan paper ballots and tabulate votes. To vote for the candidate of your choice, fill in the oval next to the name. To vote for or against a referendum question, complete the oval to the right of “Yes” or “No.” To vote for a write-in candidate, write the person’s name on the line provided and complete the oval next to the name.