Street Maintenance Projects
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Jacobsen Road Reconstruction
The Village of Fox Crossing will be reconstructing Jacobsen Road from Irish Road to CTH CB beginning May 6, 2024. The Village awarded the project to Calnin & Goss, LLC. The project will consist of removing the existing road and ditches and installing a new road with curb and gutter. Utility work will include installation of storm sewer, replacing water service lines from the water main to the curb stop, and adjusting locations of water hydrants. Additionally, the Village will construct a 10-foot wide multi-use trail on the north side of the road, which will connect the Jacobsen Road trail west of Irish Road to the CTH CB trail. The project is anticipated to reach substantial completion (utility work complete, curb and gutter installed, and first layer of asphalt) on or before August 23, 2024. The project is anticipated to reach final completion on or before September 30, 2024.
The Village and Calnin & Goss will have weekly meetings throughout the project to discuss construction issues and plan for upcoming work. The Village will update this page with new information from these weekly meetings. Anticipated work will be weather dependent.
Throughout the project, most of Jacobsen Road will be closed to thru traffic. Per the construction contract with Calnin & Goss, the detour routes are shown below:
Weekly Schedules and Meeting Updates
Week 1&2
Updated Week 1&2
Week 3&4
Week 5&6
Updated Week 5&6
Week 8&9
Project Contacts
Owner – Village of Fox Crossing
Joe Hoechst, Director of Public Works
Phone: 920-720-7110 Ext 2900
Project Engineer – McMahon Associates, Inc.
Lee Reibold, P.E.
Phone: 920-427-6020
General Contractor – Calnin & Goss, LLC
Darrell Jonet – Utilities Superintendent
Phone: 920-384-5899
Matt Marcks – Earthwork Superintendent
Phone: 920-427-7507