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Snow & Ice Control

The Village assumes and is responsible for maintenance of over 100 miles of roads which are subject to freezing rain, ice, snow, and drifting at any time from November through April. Obviously, certain areas of the village have a greater intensity of use and a priority for maintenance to serve the users. The concern for safety, general welfare, and the duration of travel necessitate that priority is given to certain areas over others. Please check out the Village of Fox Crossings Snow and Ice Control Policy for all information regarding snow and ice.

Parking Restrictions — All night parking is restricted on any village road, street, or village right-of-way between the hours of 2:00 AM and 5:00 AM, from November 1 through April 1 each year. Section 4.04 of the Municipal Code (see Appendix A) details the all night parking regulation.

Mailbox Damage — Section 15.067(2) of the Municipal Code states the following: “The Village assumes no responsibility for the replacement or repair of any such items where such loss, damage, or injury to such items is the result of Village operations including maintenance, snowplowing, construction or reconstruction of roadways or ditches, which work is being performed by the Village or the Village’s contractor on the Village’s road right-of-ways, road surfaces, road right-of-ways, and ditches.”

Lawn/Terrace Repair — Lawn and terrace damaged by plowing operations should be reported to the Village of Fox Crossing Street Department Office as soon as detected. Repairs of this type will be completed by village crews as soon as the weather allows in spring.