Support Services
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Communication Technicians & Records
Typically the first contact a person has with the police department is the communication technician The police department front office/command center is open M-F, 8AM-4:00PM. Our communication technicians are responsible for greeting and assisting people at the lobby window, answering the department’s in-coming phone lines, entering non-emergency calls for police services, processing various daily paperwork, citations and parking tickets. Communication Technicians also process open records requests, verify warrants, enter stolen items, missing persons and juvenile runaways into the law enforcement database; as well as research information for officers on the street. In addition to those phone calls and lobby visitors, our communication technicians are responsible for typing the thousands of reports that are handled by the officers along with verifying warrants and researching information for the officers on the street.
Emergency Dispatch
Emergency or 911 calls as well as dispatching are provided by the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department. All of our patrol vehicles are equipped with laptop computers allowing officers to be dispatched via computer as well allowing them to search state and national databases in their vehicle. The vehicles are also equipped with GPS units allowing for the dispatchers to monitor their location.
Tactical operations are handled through a joint SWAT team with the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department. We have two officers that are assigned to the SWAT team and respond to all call outs in either the Village of Fox Crossing or Winnebago County.
School Resource Officer
The primary purpose of a School Resource Officer is to provide services to an educational facility, assist administration with developing best practices to identify and train for safety concerns, as well as reduce crime through a concentrated crime prevention effort through positive interactions with students and faculty. The Fox Crossing Police Department has one officer assigned to the recently constructed Neenah High School.

In 2018, the department established a K-9 Unit with the help of a community fundraising committee and the thoughtful donations of the community. Lt. Corey Haag was selected for the K-9 handler position. Hans (a Belgian Shepherd), has been trained in drug identification, tracking, and apprehension, and has helped not only our agency, but many neighboring police departments with making numerous arrests… good boy, Hans!

Honor Guard
The Fox Crossing Honor Guard team consists of 6 officers who have chosen to be a part of this dedicated group. Duties include appearances at special events and ceremonies for flag presentation, parades, funeral detail/casket watch, and other formal occasions.