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We are all dependent on the environment in which we live. We all need clean air to breathe and a clean and plentiful supply of water to drink and to use. We all have a right to a safe living environment, where we have access to necessary goods and cost-effective services. We have the right to grow as individuals and the responsibility to sustain resources for future generations.
Mission Statement
To help sustain our community for future generations by using resources in the most responsible way at the right times and for the right reasons.
The Sustainability Committee meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 5:15p.m. in the Assembly Room at the Municipal Complex. All are welcome to attend! Review Minutes and Agendas online.
Sustainability Accomplishments
- Plastic film recycling for the Trex Recycling Program to receive benches for the community (14,209 total pounds of plastic film & 11 benches)
- Administered Community Gardens at both Schildt and Wittmann Parks
- Hosted two Electronic Recycling Events each year (one in the Fall & one in the Spring)
- Established a ‘Backyard Chickens Ordinance’
- Established a ‘Urban Beekeeping Ordinance’
- Continued to work on potential community composting options
- Passed a ‘Leaf Burning Ordinance’ & established a Leaf Vacuum Program for residents to dispose of their leaves in a sustainable manner
- A solar electric system powering about 7% of the Municipal Complex’s energy
- Received a Carbon Reduction Grant for two 50 kW solar electric systems to be placed at the Village’s Fire Station 40 and another at the Utility Office
- Continued Stormwater Education and Outreach
- Village Board moving forward with the continuation of the conversion of streetlights to LED bulbs to help the Dark Sky Initiative
Sustainability Goals & Objectives
- Continue to promote dark skies through streetlight changes and new development regulations
- Pursue grants for the placement of wind turbines and solar for renewable energy along with electric charging stations
- Continue collecting plastic film for the Trex Recycling Program
- Continue hosting Electronic Recycling Events
- Continue participating in Stormwater Education and Outreach efforts
- Support the Village’s Urban Forestry efforts
- Investigate partnering with High School Eco Clubs and invite them to participate in Village Sustainability Events and Meetings
- Investigate electric vehicle charging station opportunities throughout the Village
What are the three pillars of Sustainability?
- Environment – Includes the management of land, freshwater, oceans, forests, air, natural resources, & wildlife
- Economy – Essential for a business’s existence; needs to be economically viable & view profitability as one component
- Society – Refers to the initiatives, public policies, planning, & regulations supporting social issues.
What Can You Do?
Get Involved!
- Attend Sustainability Committee meetings – we welcome new ideas and new points of view
Get Informed!
- Go to your local library
- Search the internet
Take Action!
- Even little changes can make big differences
- Plant a tree/plant or a rain garden
- Bike/carpool/ride the bus
- Buy locally
- Change your light bulbs
- Turn off your lights while not in use
- Turn your heat down
- Have a chemical-free lawn
- Use environmentally-friendly cleaning products
- Recycle
Brochures | Applications | Policies

Links to Learn More:
- Community Gardens
- Safely Disposing of Used Batteries
- Light Pollution Map
- Sustainability Toolkit for Local Governments Created by UW-Extension
- Calculate your Carbon Footprint
- Composting
- Guide to Going Green at Home
- Village of Fox Crossing Garbage and Recycling
- Rain Gardens
- Evergreen Credit Union Solar Array
- International Dark Sky Association
- Winter Salt Guide
- How much water it takes to create 30 common items