Yard Waste
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Harter’s Fox Valley Disposal is responsible for collecting yard waste. Yard waste is collection for residents that occurs every other week, on your garbage day, as indicated on the Street Calendar as “Yard Waste” in red writing. Yard waste can be set out on the curb, like garbage pickup, and must be in a biodegradable yard waste paper bags or containers with lifting handles (30 gallon capacity or smaller). Yard waste in plastic bags are BANNED from the landfill and will not get picked up. Yard Waste includes: Leaves, Bundled twigs and sticks, roots or shrubs with intact root balls, clean woody vegetative material no greater than 6 inches in diameter and garden debris. Grass clipping and mulch are not collected by Harter’s or the Village of fox crossing ever. Grass clipping can be taken to the Winnebago County Landfill in Oshkosh.